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These ‘Fortnite’ Chapter 6 Season 2 Battle Pass Skins Are A Miss

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After the supremely excellent Fortnite Chapter 6 season 1 battle pass, I was hoping to see something similar for season 2. Sadly, that is not the case, and I genuinely believe this to be one of the worst battle passes I’ve seen from the game in several years, trying to do a “crime” themed season called Lawless in a way that is just plain boring.

The problem with these skins is that we know Epic is capable of making actually awesome original skins for the game, and has done so hundreds of times. But this one? There are maybe 1.5 good skins here, and that’s no exaggeration. I know some of this is personal preference, but man, these are just not good. The list:

Cassidy (Page 1) – This is definitely one that does not seem to fit the grim and gritty crime theme, but she’s at least better than some of the other ones, and is available level 1.

Joss (Page 3) – What? No. Cone head girl is not a good skin, cel-shading or otherwise, and her alternate is just a neon color palette. One theme here is that most of these alt styles aren’t good either.

Fletcher Kane (Page 5) – I thought this guy may be higher up, as he’s one of the decent skins of the pack, but he’s available pretty early on, which is nice. His alt is a black wolf which is pretty good looking.

Valentina (Page 7) – Back to bad ones. In a game with two full Catwoman styles, we do not need dollar store Catwoman here, even if she fits with the crime theme. Not good.

Big Dill (Page 9) – You’re no Peely. I have no desire to play as a rapping pickle in a ski mask. I have no desire to play as a red pickle in a Robin mask (the alt style)

Keisha Cross (Page 11) – This is what I mean when I say Fortnite has done way, way more creative original skins. She’s just so…basic. Her alt has a motorcycle helmet I guess.

Sub Zero (Page 13) – Okay cool, can’t really hate on Sub-Zero, and it’s neat we have both the modern version and the old school one as an alt. Scorpion is coming too, supposedly.

Outlaw Midas (Bonus, available March 11) – Everyone loves Midas, but we have a few other skins for him already, and I would deem those better than this one, despite how much more of his arms you can see.

I just don’t like them. Not to say there won’t be some good store skins this season, but these are terribly unexciting and it feels like Epic just didn’t really know how to convey this GTA-ish crime theme very well.

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